Introducing Your Newborn To Your Pet – Guest Post

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Whenever you’ve got a new addition to your family, the understandable excitement you have might manifest as an opposite reaction from your pet. Some pets, like dogs normally have the tendency to be jealous. You may sense it in their behavior or how they uncomfortably move about your home. They might be frightened by the sound of your baby crying or become uneasy towards a seemingly strange creature to them.

So, to make sure your dog, and you by extension won’t be overwhelmed when your newborn comes home, it is necessary to plan ahead. Here are some tips and guidelines for preparing your dog and other pets to the family’s newest addition.

Create gradual changes to your dog’s routine

Before your newborn even comes home, make sure to provide enough time and adjustment phase for your dog. This intervention allows you to create gradual changes in your dog’s routine. You can start by changing where the dog sleeps or working through some of your dog’s unwanted habits. Nine months give you a sufficient time to go through and plan your baby’s routine. As a responsible pet owner, make sure to lead your dog to adapt to this new environment prior to introducing your newborn.

Maintain consistency and attention to your dog

You want to make your dog feel just as important when your baby comes home. It is essential that you establish a way to be consistent in your daily routine with your dog. You can give them a decreasing amount of your attention a few weeks before your newborn arrives. This way, it won’t be as much of a shock when the newborn arrives. You can still take them to daily walks or play Frisbee in a park. In this way, you make them feel secure and comfortable even if you’ve got a new addition to the family.

Let them listen to the baby sounds

Pets might get annoyed or feel discomfort whenever they hear sounds of the baby crying or any high-frequency vibrations. More so if they suffer from dog ear infection or any ear problems. Thus, it is important to provide them the opportunity to listen to these sounds. Prior to introducing your newborn into the home, play a recording of some baby sounds so your pet won’t be surprised or become uneasy once your newborn starts to cry or laugh.

Introduce your baby’s scent and smell

Once the baby is home, bring some of your baby’s items to the pet and place them in his bed. This will introduce the smell and scent of your newborn to your pet. Play with your pets using your baby’s burp cloth or blanket. You can also use baby lotion or powder to adapt them to the smell of these items. By doing these practices and routines, you are communicating to your dog that these items are your possessions and you are allowing your pet to use them. This kind of intervention also creates a ground rule which can be important to protect your baby.

Establish boundaries

When the newborn arrives, it is very important to set rules and boundaries. As a pack leader or a pet owner, you might want to establish a nursery off-limit rule. This kind of practice allows you to condition your dog to a barrier between him and your baby. However, do this only at the initial stage. Gradually, you can allow him to explore the room and take in the scent of baby’s items and toys. Teaching your dog this practice will also help establish an appropriate respect for your baby.

Teach your baby

By the time that your baby knows how to crawl or starts to explore new things, it is vital to observe and watch over all their interactions with your pet. Thus, you need to teach your baby not to bother your pet or pull on your dog’s ears or tails. By doing so, you are establishing mutual respect between them. At this early stage, you are also helping them build a strong relationship.

Final Thoughts

In introducing your newborn to your pet, one important rule to remember is to keep both of them safe. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to allow your baby and your pet to explore their own private spaces without affecting their mutual respect. This will help create a lifelong bond.



About the Author

Maria Harutyunian is the head of the PR department of Vet Organics. Maria and her team do their best to make the life of our cute friends’ more comfortable and careless.

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